OLu Missions
Our child came home [from NART] with such a happy and full heart and wants to go back! As parents, we are just so grateful for such an amazing program that OLu offers the kids. Nothing is more beautiful than seeing the growth of faith in Jesus Christ.
OLu Parent
Equipping and training students to express the love of Jesus and to glorify Him in their everyday lives.
Since 2000, thousands of Lancers have served nearly 400,000 hours in twenty countries on six continents. And each year, hundreds of learners have shared God’s love and His saving grace message of salvation through service to others. OLu Missions combines outreach and on-campus ministries with coursework as learners choose to serve in a variety of ways, including construction projects, disaster relief, elderly care, and children’s clinics. These experiences provide opportunities to learn techniques for effectively working across cultural, religious, and national boundaries while fostering positive mental health and well-being.
The mission of Orange Lutheran is to help students internalize the Gospel message of salvation in Christ Jesus, and the Missions program offers a hands-on way to do so.
Missions Trips 2024 - 2025
Mission trips offer opportunities for students to share and experience Christ’s love through serving others. Annual trips include serving on the Paiute Reservation in Bishop, CA and the Appalachian Mountains of Eastern Kentucky. OLu Missions has been the hands and feet of Jesus in more than ten countries worldwide. All students are strongly encouraged to participate in a Missions trip beginning in their freshman year, as no prerequisites or prior experience are needed.
Taiwan & Hong Kong
March 11-23, 2025
OLu Missions partners with Concordia Taiwan and Concordia Hong Kong to assist their teachers in classrooms through lesson-planning, acting in small skits, and singing. This is an incredible opportunity to learn about the culture of both Taiwan and Hong Kong while serving the local communities and students of each school.
Spring NART
March 6–10, 2025
Participants in the Spring Native American Reservation Trip (NART) to Bishop, CA serve in and around the Paiute Tribe community. We travel with circus-style tents, commercial-grade stoves, over 100 cots, power tools, and our own praise team. Students help the community meet the needs of its people and have opportunities to share their faith.
June 2025
OLu Missions will be serving at a congregation in the Haida Nation on Old Masset Island in British Columbia, Canada, in partnership with the Lutheran Association of Missionaries and Pilots (LAMP).LAMP shares the love of Jesus to Indigenous people in Canada's remote communities through Bible studies and other outreach projects.
The Missions class is a Theology elective course focusing on how Christians live in the world today. The curriculum rotates over four years and includes themes around vocation and God’s callings on one’s life, such as cultural intelligence, ecological responsibility, poverty alleviation, and community development.
- Do I have to be in the Missions Class to go on a trip?
- Who can serve as a chaperone?
- How can I support OLu Missions?
- Can I take the Missions Class instead of Theology?
- Will participating in a Missions trip or Local Engagement opportunity count for service hours?
Do I have to be in the Missions Class to go on a trip?
Who can serve as a chaperone?
How can I support OLu Missions?
Can I take the Missions Class instead of Theology?
Will participating in a Missions trip or Local Engagement opportunity count for service hours?
Mrs. Jessica Heim
Missions Program Communication and Curriculum Specialist
714-998-5151 x570