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Mission, Vision & Values

Mission, Vision & Core Values

Our Mission: To help students internalize the Gospel message of salvation in Christ Jesus.

Our Vision: Orange Lutheran remains a Christ-Centered high school providing transformational learning and life experiences to prepare the Lancer community to serve the people of the world.

Our Core Values: Because of the identity we have in Christ and as faithful stewards of the educational ministry God has called us to, we have chosen our Core Values to guide our plans, actions, and decision-making process (Titus 3:5-8, 1 Peter 4:10, Philippians 2:1-4):

  • Biblical Truth
  • Integrity
  • Innovation
  • Excellence
  • Relationships

Statement of Faith, Religious Belief & Practices

OLu offers a diverse educational experience and welcomes students from a variety of religious backgrounds. As an institution in a close working relationship with The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS)OLu believes, teaches, and confesses the unchanging truth of Holy Scripture as described in the Lutheran Confessions and the belief and practice of the LCMS. 

Schoolwide Learner Outcomes

Upon graduation, it is the expectation that all students will be Strengthened by Christ and Prepared for Life in alignment with our Vision Statement and our Schoolwide Learner Outcomes.

Strengthened by Christ:

  • Christian Life of Purpose – Identity in Christ
    • Profess through word and action the Biblical truth of salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ Jesus alone according to Scripture alone.
    • Live out their Christian faith by responding to and reflecting God’s love according to Scripture.

Prepared for Life:

  • Healthy, Strong, Caring People
    • Identify and cultivate a healthy lifestyle
    • Articulate and make appropriate mental health and well-being related decisions through the development of emotional and cultural intelligence.
    • Articulate and make appropriate physical health-related decisions to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • Service through Vocation
    • Identify and cultivate interests, passions, gifts, talents, and vocational roles.
    • Live as citizens who lead and serve those in need while acting as good stewards of God’s creation.
    • Demonstrate civic responsibility by an awareness and appreciation of the local and global community through active participation.
    • Engage as a lifelong learner beyond high school.
    • Engage in creative and innovative thinking and collaboration.
  • Leadership in a Global Society
    • Demonstrate responsible and effective 21st Century digital citizenship.
    • Engage in critical thinking and problem solving.
    • Interact and collaborate using effective social skills.